What happens to Royal Warrant holders after the Queen’s death?


Elizabeth Arden, Clarins, Kent Brushes and Molton Brown are among the beauty brands that boast royal approval from the late Queen Elizabeth. Countless businesses have shared their condolences for the royal family and British nation following the death of Queen Elizabeth II. But only an exclusive selection has the honour of holding a Royal Warrant, enabling the brand to display a coat of arms and advertise that their products or services are used by the royal family. The coat of arms, normally accompanied with ‘By Appointment to’, are a mainstay in British households from consumers’ cereal to soap and shampoo. Warrants were previously granted by the late Queen, the late Duke of Edinburgh and Prince Charles, now King Charles III. The monarch decides which senior royals are the ‘grantors’ of the Royal Warrant, but the King is yet to announce which members of the royal household will now take on the duty. A Royal Warrant is granted for up to five years and is reviewed a year prior to the expiration. If the royal household feels that the product is no longer ‘up to standard’, or if orders decrease, then the company may be at risk of losing its Royal Warrant.

What happens if a grantor dies?

Click here to find out more about it from Sarah Parsons at Cosmetics Business.